Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Refiner (Triumphs of Faith 3.2)


‘Tis sweet to know that He who tries the silver takes His seat
Beside the fire which purifies, lest too intense a heat,
            Raised to consumer the base alloy,
            The precious metal, too, destroy.

‘Tis sweet to think how well He knows the silver’s power to bear
The ordeal through which it goes; and that, with skill and care,
            He’ll take it from the fire when fit,
            With His own hand to polish it.

‘Tis blessedness to know that He the work He has begun
Will not forsake till He can see the work completely done;
            An image by its brightness shown
            The perfect likeness of His own.

But oh! How much of earthly mold-dark relics of the mine
Lost from the ore-must He behold! How long must He refine
            Ere in the silver He can trace
            The first faint semblance of His face!

Thou Great Reiner! Sit Thou, by, Thy purpose to fulfill;
Moved by Thy hand, beneath Thine eye, and melted at Thy will,
            Oh, may Thy work forever shine,
            Reflecting beauty pure as Thine!
