Thursday, April 24, 2014

Longings - A.W.P. (Triumphs of Faith 3.2)



         Dear Lord; I present myself unreservedly to Thee.
         My time.
         My talents.
         My tongue.
         My will.
         My property.
         My reputation.
         My entire being.
         To be, and to do, anything that Thou requires of me.


         Now as I have given myself away, I am no longer my own, but all the Lord’s.
         I believe Thou dost accept the offering I bring.
         I trust Thee to work in me all the good pleasure of Thy will.
         “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and I will receive you.”
                  As I do give myself to Thee, I believe Thou dost receive me now.



“I SHALL be satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness.” – Psa. xvii:15.

While visiting at the house of a Christian friend last winter, a discussion arose one day at the dinner table, with regard to the characteristics and peculiarities of a friend of the family. After several had expressed their opinion of him, one spoke with an expression of deepest reverence on his face and said, “He makes me think of Jesus.” The words sank into my heart and I have thought of them repeatedly since then, always with the feeling that I would rather have those few simple but expressive words said of me than anything else in this world. Oh! That the dear Lord would grant me grace so to live that all who meet me should be constrained to say, “She makes me think of Jesus?” Oh that I might be so filled with the Holy Spirit, that the very atmosphere about me might be redolent with the perfume of His presence! He is “the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley,” and if filled with Him I must inevitably fill the lives and hearts of those whom I meet, with heavenly fragrance.

Come, oh my Saviour, and dwell forever in my heart of hearts! Cleanse and purify the temple which I have dedicated to Thee, and let me be so conscious that thou art daily reigning there that I may bring “every thought into captivity” to my Sovereign Lord. I long to be wholly possessed of Thy meek and lowly spirit. I long to be so permeated with Thy love that it shall shine in my countenance, soften all my words and make me what Thou wouldst have me be-an honor to the holy religion I profess.