Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Lord is my Shepherd (Triumphs of Faith 6.2)


The Lord is my Shepherd, oh, words full of peace!
How sweetly they cause all desponding to cease;
My soul as it hears them, is hushed into rest,
With calmness, and gladness, and glory possessed.

The Lord is my Shepherd, the God of all might,
the thought of my weakness no more can affright;
He hears me, and carries me all the day long;
I love to be helpless, while He is so strong.

The Lord is my Shepherd, my footsteps to guide,
From harm to protect me, for want to provide;
He is mine just as truly as thought I alone
were tended and cherished, and kept for His own.

He “goeth before” me to show me the way;
I have but to follow His steps day by day:
“Tis He who goes first, so it is not for me
To know what the way for to-morrow will be.

He “makes me lie down” with a tender restraint,
Which thoughts cannot picture and words cannot paint;
He gently compels me to cease from all strife,
To rest on His love, and to live in His life.

He goeth before who “restoreth my soul;”
Beside me, “the waters of quietness” roll;
Rich goodness and mercy are following nigh,
And all around about me the green pastures lie.

He “leadeth me” on where the calm waters flow,
He keeps me “beside” them wherever I go;
O glorious paradox, wondrous and blest!
He leads me along, yet I’m lying at rest.

I fear not “the shadow of death” and the grave,
For He who is “with” me is mighty to save;
The terrible substance, O Lord, was for Thee,
Now only the “shadow” can fall upon me.

I have not within the dark vale to abide,
‘Tis but to walk through to the opposite side;
And even the shadow no darkness can wear,
Since Thou, blessed Jesus, will shine on me there.

Thous spreadst my table in sight of my foes,
They stand and look on, but they cannot oppose;
My cup runneth over with joy and with praise,
Thy goodness and mercy shall crown all my days.

A king and a priest I am made unto Thee,
Thy house, O my Lord, shall my dwelling-place be;
There, under Thy shadow, my soul finds her rest;
And dwelling in Jesus, I know I am blest.
