“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits; Who
forgiveth all thine iniquities;
Who healeth all thy
diseases. – Psa. ciii: 23.
Alabama Center, N.Y.,
February 24, 1882
Dear Sister Judd:
I intended
writing you early in the winter, but many cares have prevented. I was early
impressed with the wonderful power of faith; also, with the almost unlimited
extent with which the children of God might use it.
I shall never
forget the first practical lesson in it I received from the hand of my Heavenly
Father, nor can I, though many years have since elapsed, recall the event
without a thrill of the love and gratitude to the beneficent Being who so
wonderfully condescended to notice and honor the believing plea of a little,
helpless child. I was about seven years of age, when a lady presented me with a
small pictorial Bible. I was a devoted lover of the Bible, and this at once
became my dearest earthly treasure.
One day a little
child visiting at our house lost it; night was drawing near and, as no one
could tell me where it was, I thought, “Well, I will ask the Lord, and He will
tell me.”
I hastened out of
the house, and up the garden walk about thirty rods from the house, and
kneeling down by the fence, besought God that He would, for Jesus’ sake, show
me where my Bible was, adding, “Lord, I believe, help Thou my unbelief.” I
remembered that my mother had taught me, that faith was to believe that God
would give me what I asked Him for, if it was according to His will; so,
rising, I resolutely folded my arms and turned around for the Lord to guide me.
As I did so, I saw a round line of light, about six inches in diameter, in
appearance like a thick mist gilded by sunshine. This line extended from where
I stood, out in the potato garden about two rods distant from the path, where
it formed and obtuse angle and then took a straight direction towards the
house. The vines were fully grown and had attained their greatest height, and
this line of light seemed to rest lightly on their tops. I instantly follow it
with my arms still folded. Stepping n this path of light, which never varied in
size of appearance, and looking intently, I followed on for my little Bible. In
this way I was led to the end of the vines, some twenty rods, and there, at the
very end of this wondrous paths, lay my previous Bible; with a cry of joy I
grasped my treasure and the instantly turned around to view more closely the
light by which I had been led, but it was gone, and the way by which I came
looked just the same as any other part of the field.
IN after years,
when at the age of sixteen, I sought my Saviour’s pardoning love, the thought
was no small encouragement to me, that if God so scared for the prayer of a
little, unregenerate child, would He not care much more for the cry of my
soul’s greater need? Praise His name, he gave me an “abundant entrance” into
the kingdom of His grace, and since then almost innumerably are the wonderful
answers to prayer which I have received. I have learned to make known all
my requests unto God. The latest special answer was received night before last.
My little daughter, whose health has been for some time delicate, and who has
been having a sever cough for several days, that evening bled at three
different times from her lungs, and a high fever set in, which continued
through the greater part of the night. Her entire person was in great pain. I
told her to ask Jesus to please make her well, an I did the same, and today she
is busily engaged in play, almost as well as usual. I have ever found my Heavenly
Father the hearer and answerer of prayer, as all will who
call upon Him, believing they receive the things for which they
Yours, in Christian love,
Louise M.F. Baird.
The Lord God is
my strength, and He will make my feet like hind’s feet, and He will make me to
walk upon mine high places.-Hab. iii: 19.