Bless the Lord, O my
soul, and forget not all His benefits;
Who forgiveth all
thine iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases. – Psa. ciii:23.
Erie, Penn.
Dear Friends in
the Lord:
I will relate the
leading facts of my illness and cure as briefly as I can. It would take too
long too long to tell all the varied forms of suffering and
discouragement that I have experienced in the last eighteen years of my life,
of the weary days and sleepless nights, with suffering of body and mind so
intense at times that I would gladly have welcomed death as relief.
In 1863 I had a
severe fall which was the beginning of the long chain of ills that followed.
One evening a young lady friend and myself started for the post-office, and on
the way were obligated to cross a bridge. It was quite dark, and we could not
see that there was a broken plank in the bridge. Without the least warning we
were both precipitated into the water below, falling a distance of twenty-two
fee. My companion was thrown toward the side of the stream, where there was
considerable thick must and received but little injury. I fell, striking the
back of my neck on a log that was lying in the water. My companion called for
help, and I was finally carried to my sister’s house in the insensible
condition. The physician who was called did what he could for me, but it was
some time before consciousness returned, and then I was taken with sever
nervous chills, and was very sick. My whole system had undergone such a shock
that it was several weeks before I was able to sit up. From that time I have
been an invalid until the Great Physician healed me. During all those years I
was never a day without pain. I had great trouble with my lungs and throat, and
attacks of such sever pain in my head that it often affected my mind. I was
treated by skillful physicians, but received no permanent benefit. Finally, I
cam with my husband to Erie, and was induced to try electricity. For a time I
seemed better, but the gain was not permanent. After taking over a hundred
treatments, I found myself growing weaker and new difficulties appeared. I
consulted a number of physicians; some thought I had an internal cancer, ad
others thought it was a tumor. The pain was so sever at times that it required
two persons to hold me while it lasted. Added to this, my lungs were badly
affected. The doctors told me that I could not get well. I was finally
prostrated and lay for several months helpless, with my limbs drawn up, not
able to turn on one side or the other. During this period I was under the care
of one of the most skillful physicians in Erie, who told me if I would strictly
follow his instructions, he could get me on my feet, but that I would never be
a well woman. At last I was able to be around again, but was still a great
Hearing at last
of Dr. Chas. Cullis, of Boston, and of a lady who had been cured in answer to
his prayer, I wrote to him asking prayer for myself. I received a reply giving
me notice of the time when he would make me an especial subject of prayer. I
stopped taking all remedies. At tiems I felt that I could claim the promise,
but when sever pain came, I would get discouraged. About this time, I heard of
Miss Judd’s healing, which strengthened my faith. I wrote, asking her to pray
for me; and, after some correspondence with her, it was arranged that I should
go to Buffalo and attend on of her faith-meetings. While there I received such
help and encouragement that I was able to claim the promises fully. My
pain all left me, and I am well. O, the goodness and power of our God!
Praise His holy name! He does hear prayer.
Mrs. A.T.