BY MRS. M. R. L.
It is six years
since my eyes first failed. In September of 1876 I find the belief expressed in
my journal that strong sight would return by care and faith. At
that time I knew very little of the meaning of either. Afterward I was not able
to bear sunlight or evening lights without much suffering. Could not rest my
eyes upon print, or any kind of work without much pain; having to give up study
of all kind even God’s word, church and social privileges, and many minor
things. I used, during that winter, a few simple remedies, and saw some improvement;
but health began to fail and gain was slow. IN December, 1877, I was married,
and health and eyes began to improve. In 1879, I became a mother, and my boy,
in especial answer to prayer, was strong and healthy, giving no indications of
weak eyes. As another answer to prayer, I was able to do my own work when he
was eight months old. In January, 1881, I became a disciple of faith in, to me,
a new sense, sure of perfect restoration of both health and eyes. I had
commenced treatment before this, and in March I find these words in my journal:
“I feel that God is going to heal me perfectly; but I could not leave it, to
Him, outside of treatment. This has worried me, and I have prayed a
great deal over it. I seemed almost despairing today, when something said: “You
cannot gain faith, it must come through God; leave ti to Him and more
shall be given.’” I then felt that He would bless efforts made and
hasten the time that I should be able to dismiss treatment. I saw that I had
not wholly depended upon Him. I gained according to my faith; but was
nevertheless so faithless, continually wanting to see before believing.
In September, after having dismissed physician and come to Des Moines, where we
have settled, I wrote this: “According to the promise I was able to come when
my husband did. Had my faith been stronger I think I should have been well;
as it is, I am nearly so. Oh! God help me to have faith sufficient for a
perfect cure, without more treatment other than I can sue myself.”
Thanksgiving I
went to Iowa City, but was taken sick and confined to my room for a week. I did
not begin to improve until I prayed, believing, and in a few days sat up
all day. I was not able to walk any distance, without new suffering, for three
weeks; when, the doctor failing in an engagement, I determined to walk to his
office, a distance of two blocks, through prayer. This I did, praying all the
way; was very, very tired, and had to have assistance up the stairs. I walked
home and have improved rapidly ever since. I returned to Des Moines and resumed
my housework. The fifteenth of last moth I gave up medicine and received a double
spiritual blessing, though I never passed through such constant temptation as
since then. I hope to hold out and, growing in faith, be entirely well. I am
able to study my daily reading generally with perfect ease, and in three days
finished a book, the first one in six years.
When I first
expected perfect healing I felt that when I was cured I would write an
article for this journal, acknowledging God’s goodness. I fear to write before
for fear that failing to have faith I should not get well, and thus bring
dishonor to His name. Oh, how Satan tempts us! I was led by an article in the
magazine to see that I ought to publically praise God for the great things He
has already done; and perhaps my experience will help someone else who is being
tempted as I have been.