It is finished. - John xix: 30
Nothing to pay?
– no, now a whit;
Nothing to do?-
no, not a bit;
All that was
needed to do or to pay,
Jesus has done in
His own blessed way.
Nothing to do?-
no, not a stroke;
Gone is the
captor, gone is the yoke:
Jesus at Calvary
served the chain,
And none can
imprison His freeman again.
Nothing to fear?-
no, not a jot;
unclean?-no, not a spot:
Christ is my
peace, and I’ve nothing at stake,
Satan can that
neither harass nor shake.
Nothing to settle?-all
has been paid;
Nothing of anger?-peace
has been made:
Jesus alone is
the sinner’s resource,
Peace He has made
by the blood of His Cross.
What about judgment?-I’m
thankful to say,
Jesus has met it
and borne it away;
Drunk it all up,
when He hung on the tree,
Leaving a cup
full of blessing for me.
What about terror?-no,
not a stain,
How could the
blood let any remain?
My conscience is
purged, and my spirit is free-
Precious that
blood is to God and to me!
What of the law?-ah,
there I rejoice,
Christ answered
its claims and silenced its voice:
The law was
fulfilled when the work was all done,
And it never can
speak to a justified one.
What about death?-it
hasn’t a sting;
The grave, to a
Christian, no terror can bring,
For death has
been conquered, the grave has been spoiled,
And every foeman
and enemy foiled.
What about feelings?-ah,
that I may bring
To God as a holy,
acceptable thing,
For that is the
temple where Jesus abides,
The temple where
God by His Spirit resides.
Nothing to
pay?-no, thanks be to God,
The matter is
settled, the price was the blood,
The blood of the
Victim, a ransom divine-
Believe it, poor
sinner, and peace shall be thine.
What am I waiting
for?-Jesus, my Lord,
He’s coming to
take me, so says the Word.
To be with
Himself in the mansions above,
Enjoying forever
His infinite love.