Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Rest in God (Triumphs of Faith 6.2)


We have true rest when God has rest in the soul. There is too much hurry and work and drive, and desire, too, in most souls. There is a Sabbath of the soul, that is known after this work is finished; God knows how many of His children attain thereto.

It is not till the giving has been as entire on our part as the taking is on His, that we rest; are satisfied with the events as they come up and cease asking, “Why is this?” But if we give so that we are not inclined to take into our hand again that which has been placed on the Altar, He will go on with His work, the perfecting of our souls, the making us over into the divine.

Dear friends, have you learned to be satisfied with what God brings you each day? That is, are you content in the life you now life, counting it from God; content in the condition in which you are now, or are you continually calling out for more?

“Give us this day our daily bread” is well. But, having asked, this true rest means satisfaction in God that He is giving, has given, this daily bread. May God give you rest in Him.