Tuesday, June 17, 2014

With Confidence (Triumphs of Faith 10.2)


For the Lord God will help me; therefore I shall not be confounded;
Therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed.
-Isa. i:7

God is my help, my strength, my shield,
            So I shall not confounded be,
Nor will I to the tempter yield,
            For I shall full salvation see;
I know each promised good is mine,
For He hath said, “All things are thine.”

What though the things I seep appear
            Impossible, or far away,
Yet, I will never yield to fear,
            Nor cease to wait, and watch and pray;
My Saviour will my longing see,
And naught beyond His power can be.

He yearneth in compassion still,
            O’er those HE came from heaven to heal,
And unto those who see His will
            He doth His wealth of love reveal;
He waits the sinner to forgive,
He waits to bid the dying live.

Therefore, like flint, I set my face,
            And I shall not be put to shame,
For He will grant all needed grace
            If I but ask in Jesus’ name;
Faith now begins the song of praise,
Which ceaseth not through coming

I know that my Redeemer lives,
            I know His word can never fail,
And now to me His strength He gives,
            And I through faith shall e’er prevail;
Whate’er is good I ask and gain,
For Jesus bore my sin and pain.

His name is life and health and peace,
            Jesus my all-in-all shall be,
He only can bring sweet release
            From all my sickness set free;
To Him my childlike trust now flies,
And awaits to hear Him say, “Arise.”
            -Abbie Mills.