I gladly write an account of my
healing as a thank-offering to the Lord for restoring my health after all these
years of suffering. Nineteen years ago my health began to fail, and seventeen
years last August I was completely prostrated with what proved to be a spinal
difficulty. Since that time till last fall I had been under medical treatment,
and though at times greatly benefitted, no permanent good resulted, for the
trouble was never removed until in answer to prayer the “Great Physician”
rebuked the disease and gave me rest. In all those years I suffered more than
my pen can portray from pain in my back, head and limbs; also from extreme
sensitiveness of the nerves. The distress in my back and intense heat caused by
inflammation of the spinal cord was so hard to bear that to obtain only partial
relief I was willing to undergo any amount of pain from severe remedies used,
as many can testify. The greater part of the time I have been confined to the
house, and sometimes to my bed for months and even years.
I was happy even then, for the
“Everlasting Arms” were underneath and around me, but I now see how much
greater joy would have been mine had I yielded myself entirely to the Lord. I
did not ask Him to restore my health, but for grace to sustain, for patience to
endure, desiring to lie passive in His hands, willing to bear whatever He saw
fit to lay upon me, not realizing that the loving, sympathizing Father longed
to take away the burden of pain, and all that He required of me was simple
trust in Him.
Under the skillful treatment of
my physician I often rallied with strong hopes of recovery, but something would
always occur to put me back. At one time I so far recovered as to be able to be
about the house and work all day, but even then I suffered constantly, and a
jar hurt me so much that I could not walk on the ground but a few steps or ride
half a mile without severe suffering and lasting injury. For rive years I had
not been able to ride at all; for three, not able to do any work. Three years
ago this May I began to improve, and continued to gain slowly until the
following August, when I was again put back, and from that time till my
restoration, fourteen months later, I suffered intensely. I could sit up but a
few minutes, and yet walked from one room to another when every movement was
attended with pain and weariness. I was very thankful for the relief thus
afforded, for there was no position in which I could lie with any ease
whatever. Owing to the sensitiveness of the spine and nerves, I could not bear
the lightest touch on my back, and the jar occasioned by any one stepping on
the floor of my room, or by touching my bed, was almost beyond endurance. I was
getting weaker and weaker, but still continued to hope against hope, until
September, when I failed so fast that I at last gave up all thought of ever
being any better. Oh, how much I passed through before I was willing to yield
myself entirely into God’s hands for the healing of both soul and body! With
what infinite patience He bore with me! How tenderly, how lovingly He led me
till, at last, I yielded! And from the depths of my heart went up the cry, “If
there is a way out of this, O, Lord, show it to me!” and, blessed be His name,
He heard and answered. I had read of some few cases of healing in answer to
prayer, Miss Judd’s among the number, but I had no faith to claim the promise,
and in the blindness of unbelief thought that the blessing was not for me. But
the Lord led me into the light; I began to ask for faith and it was given,
increasing form time to time, until at last, while engaged in prayer, such a
blessing was poured upon my soul as I never before experienced, and I receive the
evidence that I should be healed. A few hours later the pain began to abate and
in a day or two was entirely gone.
I immediately became less sensitive
to a jar, the tired, heavy feeling of eighteen years’ duration was no longer
mine, my appetite became good, and instead of the wakeful, restless nights,
that had been mine for many years, I was given sweet sleep. I very soon began
to grow strong, being able to sit up an hour or more, and in just a week walked
out of doors a few steps without injury, and in a few weeks could go up and
down stairs, and rode a short distance with but very little fatigue. In
December I walked to a neighbor’s near by. In January attended Sabbath-school-
we had no meeting at that time-but since then I have had the blessed privilege
of attending church and prayer-meeting. My whole heart was lifted in praise to
God for being once more permitted to attend divine worship, and going, too, in
strength given me direct from His hand. I have improved steadily, and for some
time past the jar of walking or riding has not affected me in the least. Am
feeling well and quite strong. “He is faithful that promised.”
Falmouth, Me.