Saturday, June 21, 2014

Only Believe (Triumphs of Faith 10.2)


This is an hard saying; who can hear it? – St. John vi:60.

Is the saying too hard to believe?
            Doth reason stand baffled and dumb?
Is the doctrine too deep to receive?
            Then wait till the Master shall come.

Till the light of His presence is poured,
            We may search through the problem in vain;
The Master Who gave us the World,
            Himself must its meaning explain.

Himself gives the faith to adore
            The truths that are hidden from sight;
For their depth I would love them the more,
            And revere them but more for their height.

Up the measureless heights of His love,
            Down the fathomless depths of His grace,
I would gaze till all doubts should remove,
            And faith all misgivings displace.

Oh, sweet is the blessing for those
            Who see not, and yet have believed;
And safe is their place of repose,
            Who rest on the promise received.

                        -Jane Crewdson.