Friday, June 27, 2014

Beloved (Triumphs of Faith 11.2)


O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock,
In the secret places of the stairs, let me see thy countenance.
-Cant. ii:14.

Safely hi in the rock’s deep cleft,
            I sing as the hours pass by;
Sweet is the shelter, and cool and strong,
            And I look at the cloudless sky;
Fair is the world in its opal hues,
            And smooth is the sparkling sea,
And every leaf on the forest trees
            Has a message of love to me.

I hear a whisper! The songs are loud
            Which the singers sing all day;
But I hush my breath, for I long the most
            To hear what the whispers say-
Sweet are the voices of those who sing,
            But it is the “still, small voice”
That thrills me through with its lightest word,
            Making my soul rejoice.

“Let Me see thee!” Oh, strange it seems
            That He says such words to me;
Scarcely are angels fair enough
            For the Holiest eyes to see.

How can He care for a sin-soiled face,
            For eyes that are dimmed with tears,
For a world-worn brow that is furrowed o’er
            With the ploughings of the years.

Ah, well He knows me, but knowing all,
            Still great are His love and grace,
And a tender pleading is in His voice
            When he asks to see my face.
Love covers a multitude of faults,
            Does it matter how small I be?
Since He loves me so well that long ago
            He gave His life for me!

So I answer back from the rock’s recess-
            I will hide me away no more,
I will dare to look in Thine eyes of love,
            I will let myself adore.
I will venture to open my heart to Thee,
            O Thou, who my soul hast moved;
Happy, indeed, in this world are they
            Whom Thou ownest as Thy beloved.
