Sunday, June 22, 2014

Experiences of Spiritual and Physical Healing (Triumphs of Faith 10.2)


Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits;
Who forgiveth all tine iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases.
-Psa. ciii:23.

            Marion, N.Y., Aug. 28, 1882.
Dear Friend:

I have delayed writing you the full particulars of my wife’s healing, but she is still gaining in strength and is able to do all the housework, except washing. Before her healing she had been entirely helpless for months. Sometimes she would get so that she could, by the help of a cane or chair, get from one room to the other, but she has been so bad again that she could not even comb her hair nor dress herself. I have had one doctor, here in town, a hundred times, but he could do her no good, except to ease pain for the present. Her hands and finger-joints were enlarged to twice their natural size, and one hmp was very much deformed. All this went away at once on the sixth of July. Between the hours of eight and eleven that night every pain left her, and she has had none since. You cannot tell how surprised I was, the next morning, when she opened the door, all dressed, and said, “I am well.”

I would not know where to stop in describing her sickness, and you cannot think how much I have suffered in taking care of her. Please excuse all mistakes; I am seventy-nine years old. We feel very grateful to you for the interest you have taken in us, and we are trying to remember you in prayer every day.

            Michajah Adams.