Friday, June 13, 2014

Experiences of Spiritual and Physical Healing (Triumphs of Faith 9.2)


Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits;
Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases. –Psa. ciii:23.

Waverly, Pa., August 23, 1882
Dear Miss Judd:

In the winter of 1873 I began to be afflicted with a kidney trouble. I continued to grow worse until spring, when a physician was employed. He did what he could for me, but there was no change for the better.

In June another physician was employed. He told me that he did not think I could ever be cured, but thought he could give me medicine that would help me and make me more comfortable. My suffering was great. I had become very much bloated and my muscles were so sore that I could not laugh, cough, draw a long breath, or bear a jar, and sometimes it was almost impossible for me to lie down. All this together with the powerful medicines taken, brought me down to my bed in a very weak condition. To check the cold sweat, which for days stood on my countenance, my physician ordered me to take ten drops of elixir of vitriol every night and morning. I was providentially hindered from taking it more than once. But this so closed the pores of my skin that not until more than a year and a half was natural and healthy perspiration restored, and that through the interposition of a blessing of God. On the seventh of July a prayer meeting was appointed at my home. In the morning a dear Christian lady asked me if I was asking the Lord to heal me. I could not say I was. I knew Jesus as a personal Saviour from sin, but I did not know Him as the “Lord that healeth.” Soon after a minister and his wife came in, and the good mother in Israel immediately asked me if I was praying to be healed. On answering as before she read from James v: 14, 15. About noon another minister and wife came. This minister at once asked me if I was looking to be healed by faith. He said he felt sure God was going to heal me. I was much impressed with this new thought, and began to feel in my soul that God was going to wonderfully bless me, and in my body I began to experienced marked changes for the better. With assistance I walked to the room where a few of God’s trusting children were assembled. Before prayer it was requested that all present should be agreed in asking God to heal me. The prayer of faith did save the sick. I arose and confessed that God had healed me. God gave me just what my faith claimed-a perfect removal of my kidney trouble with all the bloating and soreness, and so strengthened me that I commenced doing light work and walked and rode with ease.

But another trial and another triumph awaited me. The effects of the powerful medicines taken during my illness brought about another series of weaknesses which confined me to my bed in January, and for about six months I was almost helpless. I saw plainly that if I was ever well God Himself would have to cure me. I was perfectly willing to suffer and die; but in February God told me, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God.”

Weeks and months passed and no healing came, but I was learning patience, trust and submission. And then my loving parents had not quite yielded me to God to be used in missionary work. As they yielded my health improved. In August I attended a camp-meeting. I felt so anxious for the conversion of sinners that I scarcely thought of myself. But God showed me to pray and receive the healing of my body. I prayed and others prayed for me, but the last regular service of the meeting closed and I was not healed. Tongue or pen could not describe the agony of soul I felt. But about ten o’clock that evening some friends proposed to go into one of the prayer tents and unite in prayer for some souls who were seeking pardon. Though weak and weary I went, and God met me and talked to me. He asked me by His Spirit if I would take Him as my physician in every sickness. At first I felt startled at the thought, but realizing His power I said, “Yes, Lord.” Then came the words, “What things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them.”-(Mark xi:24.) I had desired and prayed, and now I saw I might believe. With heart and voice I cried out, “Lord, I do believe with all my heart.”

That moment the power of God came upon me, and I felt in my body that I was healed of all weakness and disease. That meeting, which lasted until four A.M., was one of victory. Some previous s9ouls borne into the kingdom then are today bright and shining lights for God.

I was much tested in regard to my healing for a week or two, but the victory I claimed by faith I was able to hold by faith; and God did make me well and even stronger than I had ever been before.

Since then God Himself has united me in the bonds of holy matrimony to one of His dear servants, and we have Jesus for our family Physician. We need no other. Very many time we have called upon Him in sickness and He has always heard us, and often has instantly relieved us from severe suffering. Only a few weeks ago my dear husband was, in answer to prayer, cured of a disease called hay fever, from which he had suffered for much of three summers in succession.

To Him, be all the glory, who says, “I am the Lord that heareth thee.” – (Exodus xv:26.)

            Mrs. M.E. Stone