Bless the Lord, O my
soul, and forget not all His benefits;
Who forgiveth all tine
iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases.
-Psa. ciii:23.
Elizabeth, N.J., 1882.
Dear Miss Judd:
Please find room in your precious
“Triumphs” for another testimony for Jesus. An elderly lady suffering very many
years from several diseases, so that she was almost entirely helpless, became
convinced as did her daughter, that she might be restored through prayer. They
wrote to me to join with them before the Throne for this. Very soon a change
was perceptible and it has gone on until she is now able to walk, to go on five
miles’ visit and do many duties. The daughter writes today, “Ma has been free
from the disease for two months past. Praise the Lord, for it was He Who did
it, and she as she cannot be grateful enough. I lent our Pastor ‘The Prayer of
Faith’ and asked him to preach this faith to us. Last Sabbath he had it and
took his text from James, ‘Is any sick among you,’ etc., and it was a good
So you see the light is
spreading, and one by one our ministers are coming into the truth. We all pray
that you, loved Sister, may be even more blest, and be made more and more a
blessing unto others, in this blessed way of healing.
Yours in Jesus’ love,
L.A. Baldwin.