The apostles
were pre-eminently men of service, and men who had power in their service, and
their history is ever held before us as the history of a successful working and
witnessing Church. Let us go to some of our Lord’s teachings, and see how they
open in the light thrown upon them by the lives of these Apostles, after the
Spirit of Truth had come to them and they were prepared to be witnesses for
In his lesson,
drawn from the Vine and the branches hear Him say: “I am the true Vine.” “Abide
in Me.” “The branch cannot bear fruit, except it abide in the Vine. Ye cannot
bear fruit except ye abide in Me.” Then follows five distinct things said of
the branch that abides even through purging:
…”He bringeth
forth much fruit.”
…”Ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you.”
…”Ye shall abide in My love.”
…”Your joy shall be full.”
…”Ye shall love one another.”
…”Ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you.”
…”Ye shall abide in My love.”
…”Your joy shall be full.”
…”Ye shall love one another.”
And interwoven
all along to make the fabric complete, comes the “Abide and keep My commandments,”
and, “If ye keep My commandments ye shall abide.”
This is made
very personal, for, listen, again: “I have chosen you and ordained you that ye
should bring forth fruit; that your fruit should remain; that whatsoever ye may
ask the Father in My name, He may give it to you; that ye love one another; that
with the Spirit of Truth ye have that joy that no man taketh from you; and that
with this Spirit ye shall bear witness.” There is an element of life belonging
in the common to the Vine and the branches, for, “If they have persecuted Me,
they will also persecute you; if they have kept My sayings, they will keep
yours also.”
This abiding and
its abundant blessing was all proved true in the experience of the disciples,
and, reading it now, with their lives as exponents of the text, we know that
the life which flowed so freely between the Vine and the branches was of the
Holy Ghost.
What was true
for the disciples may be made true for us; and what was their need is no less
our necessity. Witnesses for Christ must be branches of this living Vine. By
the Holy Ghost we may have the fuller knowledge of the abiding presence
crowning the work of Jesus in our hearts. Do any ask to hear God’s word, to
know His voice, to have His power? “When the Comforter is come He will guide
you into all truth.” “He that is of God heareth God’s word.” “Then shall ye receive
power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.”
Seeking gifts we
only limit our advances to Him, Whom having, we have in Him all things. Abide,
and the branch will receive from the Living Vine the Holy Ghost. He will come
bringing peace and joy and love, and strength to keep the commandments, so that
we shall do whatsoever He shall say to us. He will come, making all grace
abound. “that ye always, having all sufficiency in all things, may about to
every good work.” He will come ministering bread for your food, and multiplying
your seed sown, and increasing the fruits of your righteousness.
The Life from
the Vine nourishes the Branch, and fruit is produced, the fruit of the Spirit;
with the measure of the fruit-bearing limited by the soul-abiding. The practice
of a grace, however beautiful, may be all in the life of self-nature and
self-culture, and therefore unto death. The care of the branch is left in other
hands, and when fruit appears, the purging of the Husbandman, alone, can bring
more fruit, and the fruit that is unto life.
As living
branches, we, putting into form and expression the life within, the life of the
Vine, ask and receive, for we ask what He wills. His words are spoken, for the
words are the expression of His life, and His life is there. His words are to
us the outward signs of an inward truth; we keep them, to because His will is
our law, but because His will expressed in these words is our will also.
The branch bears
no fruit for its own using; the service is for another, and in the laying down
of our life for others, more life comes; in the giving of all, all is received.
Then abiding in love, for “God is love,” and cannot withhold Himself; and in “fullness
of joy,” for He fills all our present and measures out present life and present
duty; in quiet acceptance of today, we find out content, and our best having,
and bear witness in our lives that we have been with Jesus from the beginning.
What is your
need then? Hear Christ’s words: “Abide in Me, and whatsever ye shall ask the
Father, in My name, He will do it. Abide in Me and bring forth fruit, yea, much
fruit; yea, fruit that shall remain. Abide and have the love of God shed abroad
in your hearts. Abide and have that joy that no man taketh from you. Abide and
keep My commandments as I have kept My Father’s commandments.” So shall your
life be of God, and your service, true service.
Dear Lord; I present myself unreservedly
to Thee.
My time.
My talents.
My tongue.
My will.
My property.
My reputation.
My entire being.
To be, and to do, anything that Thou
requires of me.
Now as I have given myself away, I am no
longer my own, but all the Lord’s.
I believe Thou dost accept the offering
I bring.
I trust Thee to work in me all the good
pleasure of Thy will.
“Wherefore come out from among them, and
be ye separate, saith the Lord, and I will receive you.”
As I do give myself to Thee, I
believe Thou dost receive me now.