Monday, March 31, 2014

Experiences of Spiritual and Physical Healing. (Triumphs of Faith 11.1)


Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgiveth all thin iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases – Psa. ciii:23.

                        Macon, Mo. Aug. 20. 1881.

Miss Carrie Judd:

I will give you an account of a remarkable case of healing in answer to prayer that occurred under my observation last winter. The subject, Miss Adah Whitehead, living four miles northwest of Macon, had been a confirmed invalid for about six years, and during the most of that time, and especially the last year or two, she was very closely confined to her bed.

The writer was her physician for three months last summer, several other physicians having exhausted their skill in vain efforts to relieve her of complication of diseases which prostrated her. At last, having become thoroughly convinced that the case was not amendable to medical treatment, I informed her and her friends of my conclusion, declining to treat the case any further, at the same time assuring her of my belief that the Great Physician would heal her according to the promise in James v: 14, 15, if she, in concert with others, would offer up the payer of faith. She did not lay hold of the promise at that time, but about four months afterwards at a holiness meeting which was held in the vicinity of her home, her father requested the prayers of all the believers to be offered up at a certain hour, at their homes, for the healing of his daughter. At the appointed time the family assembled at the bedside for prayer for her healing, and while they were still engaged in prayer, she suddenly sprang out of bed exclaiming that Jesus had healed her. I visited her the next day,, and found her going about the house. After a careful examination I could detect no symptoms of disease except the paleness and emaciation which gradually disappeared during the next two or three weeks.

I asked her to tell me what her experience was at the time she was healed. She replied, “When my friends knelt around my bed to pray for my healing, I asked the Lord to give me strength to believe that I would be healed right now, and then I believed, and then I realized that it was done, and at once I arose, exclaiming, ‘Jesus has healed me.’” She also testified that she realized a great spiritual blessing at the same time. She had been an earnest Christian for years, and in the midst of all her sufferings exhibited wonderful patience and submission to the will of God. Now she expressed herself as having been made new in soul as well as in body.

It is now over six months since she was healed, and when I last saw her a few weeks since, she was in the enjoyment of perfect health.

The case is well known in all this region of country, and has excited the great wonderer. Dr. Charles Atterberry, who has been the family physician for years, considers it to be no less than a miracle. He may be addressed at Macon, Mo., for a confirmation of the above comment.

But for the unbelief which, like a dark cloud, has settled over the professedly Christian world, such cases would be so common as not to excite wonder, nor arouse incredulity. For one, I propose to not stagger at any of the promises of God. Jesus is my only Physician and my only Savior. He has borne away all my diseases, and His blood cleanses me from all sin. This is full salvation. Praise the Lord.

                        Your fellow-servant,

                                    Joseph W. Blosser.