Almost the last words of Alexander Calame,
the painter of the Alps, were, “Christ is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords;
and none on this earth can be compared to Him. Enrol yourselves under His holy
banner, all you who seek glory, honor, and immortality. Led by this valiant
Lord, you will be more than conquerors; and these victories will cause no tears
to be shed but those of joy and gratitude.” Let us enroll ourselves afresh:
this king will furnish you with all you want. It can never happen with him, as
with the soldiers of other kings, that His troops should be in want of arms, or
powder, or the word of command, or the plan of the battle; everything is
prepared for us by the Holy King, and we shall have the victory, and we may go
forth, conquering and to the conquer, and singing before and the song of
victory. This is what the Word of God calls glorying in God. But if we have
such a king, what are we, His subjects? The subjects of a king put everything
at his service, their fortune, their own life, and the lives of their children.
The martyrs did as much as for Jesus Christ; but we, of whom He demands the
whole heart, the whole being for His service, how do we serve Him? Do we put
ourselves, our faculties, our all, at His disposal? Therefore we say, no more
self-will, no more preconceived ideas as to the form of service to which we are
called. The will of our Master; that is all. IT is for Him to point out in what
corps we are to serve, what uniform we are to wear, and what arms we are to
carry. What a change comes over our lives when we wait on our King hour by hour
for His orders! No more agitation, no hurry, no waste of strength.***
Let us enroll ourselves more heartily in the
service of our Master, and under the banner of our King.-“The Life of Faith.”