Thursday, March 20, 2014

Possessing All things - Dr. J.M. Ward (Triumphs of Faith 10.1)



Only to think of our being united to Christ; one with Him, inheriting with Him all things-nay, that all things are ours already, ours now. Oh, for an eternity, for scope, breadth of though, enlargement of capacity, and associate help, duly to praise the Triune God!

When I think what our God can do, and of His delight in doing, in response to the faith of His little ones-a faith enkindled in their hearts by the blessed Holy Spirit, it seems as though we might ask him to do anything that will be for His glory.

These cases of healing that are called wonderful, are no more to Him than giving a little increase of strength to an enfeebled one. And why will He not be more ready to do it, inasmuch as He will be more glorified; for truly the end of all these things is not for our sakes, but for His own glory.

I may add that we have not praised God as we should, for the privilege of prayer, that He condescends to have us ask Him to do such and such things-just for a moment think of it!-and, to woo our hearts to prayer, He has given us all the precious promises, adding His own intercessory Spirit to make our prayers effectual.

On the effectuality of prayer my mind is exercised. it is said, you know, of Luther, “He can get what he likes of God,” and why should we not be in the same blessed fellowship, walking with God in such perfect affliction of spirit, as to be everlasting and receiving; of course asking all for the glory of our Christ which, since He is “the chiefest among ten thousand,” we cannot but do. His love in our hearts will secure all this.

God grant that we may so live in openness of spirit as to have the mind of Christ, and then we shall be ever asking for things pleasing to Him, and receiving the things we ask for.

With this grace abiding in us, what a power there will be in holiness of life.