Monday, March 24, 2014

Experiences of Spiritual and Physical Healing (Triumphs of Faith 10.1)


Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniqueities; Who healeth all thy diseases. –Psa. ciii: 23.

Erte, Pa., July 19, 1881.

My Dear Miss Judd:

You ask to know the circumstances attending my illness and cure, “if I feel led to write it.” I trust I shall never see so wide a door opened for honoring my master and fail to enter it. It would make this letter too long if I were to tell you how my life had been one of more or less suffering, but I may stay that the past year is the first in my life when I remember to have enjoyed food (that is, had a natural appetite) or when sleep brought rest.

My delight for Christ’s service was fostered by religious home influences, and while my faith in God was very great, I looked upon His power to heal, as able to meet other cases, but not my own.

In the spring of 1879 my health failed entirely, and the case became so complicated that it seemed impossible to obtain relief, for the treatment f one difficulty only aggravated others. In suffering and discouragement I felt death would be a relief. The friends on our charge were loving and kind in their advice, but one, more tenacious to the promises, would often say, “I believe your health is to come from God Himself.” My two dear sisters were constant in prayer, but while I had great evidences that God heard my prayers for other persons and things, I could not grasp Him for my healing.

One of my sisters came to visit us the last of January, 1880. Together we talked the matter over; and just at this time the account of your healing came into our hands and strengthened the faith of both. Soon after, my sister set the seventeenth of February, 1880, between the hours of three and four, as the time to pray for my healing, and asked six friends to unite with her. This was not known to me. The fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth were very sick days, until between the hours of three and four of the seventeenth I began to feel better. My husband and sister marked the change, but did not tell me until after tea. I did not doubt one moment, but I did not feel the thrill and see the cure, as I had thought I should if ever it should come.
            “The steps of faith
            Fell on the seeming void,
            But found the Rock beneath.”

I at once dropped all remedies, and have never used any since. I have had tests of faith; sometimes they have been severe, but God has never failed and He never will. My health has steadily improved all these months and I am well; I sleep well and feel well. God does hear prayer. Praise be unto His holy name!

Though I date my healing from the seventeenth of February, 1880, yet I know through all these years many prayers were offered for me, and He answered them all. A dear friend who was healed in 1878, and who united her prayers for me on that memorable day, wrote that for eighteen months she had prayed for me every day, by name. Oh, the goodness and the power of our God! “Oh, that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and for His wonderful works to the children of men.” Much more could I add of how the Lord hath led me, but this is sufficient to prove my cure was wholly of the Lord. You are welcome to use it. And may the dear Father aid us both in the use of the health He has given.

            Yours in Christian love,

                        Mrs. J.A. Kummer.