Friday, February 21, 2014

True Service for Christ (Triumphs of Faith 1.7)


The power of God so marked the ministry of Jesus that His disciples, though often standing in fear and amazement, were inspired with love and confidence in Him, not only as a Fried, a Teacher and a Comforter, but also as a Man “approved of God.” Here was power in all that He did.

When the “Promise of the Father,” the power of the Holy Ghost, had come to the disciples, they expected to words of Jesus to be so fulfilled and that they should have great confidence in bearing witness for Him, and preaching of His life, and death, and resurrection. Nor was their confidence misplaced, their expectations unfulfilled. God worked by them wonders and signs, and added unto their number daily “such as should be saved.” –(Acts. ii:47.)

Was the record then closed? Was God’s work finished when that generation saw the infant Church established and strengthened, and its members quick to speak, to do, to bear, till death-in many cases a martyr’s death-crowned all? Was that which had been spoken by the prophet Joel, and opened then by Peter, of the power of the Holy Ghost, fulfilled for all time in that day, or had it that continuity of life which makes it available to us in these latter days? Are we to expect the gift of the Spirit as did the disciples, and are we to know that power which was manifested in their lives?

Since then holy men have done mighty deeds and spoken mighty words. Their oneness with the Lord has been recognized, and their power felt. Girded for the battle, they have been valiant in pulling down strongholds and turning aside the enemies of the Lord, and as God has sent them hey have gone forth fulfilling His commission. And while he conflict between sin and holiness remains, while a witness for the truth is needed, the promise holds good, the words of truth are to be surcharged with life, and hey laborers of the Lord are to reap as well as sow.

We go over the history of the Church as recorded in the Book of Acts, and see the weak made mighty, the feeble made strong, and those sent to speak words of truth, eloquent. For the Apostles having tarried at Jerusalem were filled with the abounding presence and power of the God’s Spirit. We may press the finger upon the pulse of the Church, and as the Holy Ghost is known, honored and acknowledged, its life-flow is sure, steady and strong.

True service belongs only to the soul that walks hand-in-hand with God. Seeking not its own, it has no choice but God’s choice, not will but God’s will. We learn to walk in His ways, and keep His commandments, and find here we know it that we are going out towards others and doing His will in their behalf. This service is the outgrowth of the inner life and must keep pace with it, growing with its growth and strengthening with its strength. As God moves in us He moves us out towards others, and this moving out, in His time and way, is the service that has in it life. It may be the sowing or the watering of the seed, but God ill see to it that it has the true increase.

Power attends true service, hat service that is in oneness with God. When it is the desire of God that makes you desire to do, when the moving out is in His way and in His time, and is towards the end He seeks, when you go simply because He moved you to go, to do whatever He moves you to do, then power will be with you, and His work will be done whether men see it or not. His message will be delivered by word or ac whether men “will hear, or whether they will forbear.”-(Ezekiel, ii:7.) The seed will be sown beside all waters, or harvests will be gleaned from fields long since given over. For power is in the work when he indwelling of God makes possible the working together with Him.

Power, as one of the gifts of God, is received at His hand after the coming of the Holy Ghost. It is a gift received, but if sought for itself may, as any gift, tend only to the nature of self. The disciples has always this comfort in God’s service, the presence of the Lord working with him, and in this presence he has assurance of all needed power. Knowing this he may freely live his daily life, doing his appointed work, bringing forth the fruits of righteousness in himself, and abounding in every good work towards others.

[to be concluded]