Thursday, February 27, 2014

Pray One for Another - M. Bowen (Triumphs of Faith 1.7)



No words can adequately express the condescension and kindness of the Most High in permitting us to pray. Were we allowed to pray only for ourselves, the privilege would be inestimable, but the permission is not thus restricted. On the contrary we are not merely permitted, but encouraged and even commanded to pray for others, especially for our Christian brethren. It is a duty often enjoined upon us in the sacred Volume.
When we intercede with the “Father of Mercies” in behalf of each other, we may rest assured we are doing that which He will graciously approve. We should pray for one another, for this one of the most certain and effectual means of doing good to others. Our Divine Masters “went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil,” but He did far more good to mankind by His prayers than by His miracles – glorious, gracious and God-like as the latter unquestionably were.

The Holy Spirit teaches us to “do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith” (Gal. vi:10), and though every available means of doing this ought to be employed, yet without frequent and fervent prayer one for another, we neglect the most important way in which this exhortation should be obeyed.

Again we ought to pray one for another, because this will both manifest and foster our affections for each other. Mutual prayer is an evidence and nourisher of mutual Christian love. “He that watereth shall be watered also himself.” Our prayers are often marred by selfishness, and here as elsewhere selfishness impoverishes instead of enriching. If we ask only for ourselves we shall obtain little. If we ask largely for others also, we shall receive largely; and prayer for others will tend to foster and mature not a few of the graces of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. Let us continue to pray one for another because this will frequently fan the flame of devotion when it might otherwise, almost, if not totally expire. O, beloved, let us never grow too cold or indifferent to pray for others.