Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Evidences of Spiritual and Physical Healing (Triumphs of Faith 1.6)


“Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all His benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases.” – Psa. ciii:23..

My Dear C…:

I am learning, with you, to think infinitely more of my Lord than of self; to be a firm believer in the nothing of the creature, and the all in all of the Creator. I grow more and more reconciled to the past-my past. I even rejoice in it as I realize, in some degree, what I portended and preceded. It was terrible in the beginning, modified later, and peaceful in the end. The self-revelations, which made me so miserable, and adverse circumstances, whereby I though all would be lost, have proved the essential means for purging out that self-love and complacency which was, in reality, so great, and of which I knew so little. I see now that the solution of some of my worst difficulties lies in the fact that I was ignorant of “Satan’s devices,” –his power to impair my union with God by tearing me in pieces with doubts. I seemed to get further and further from God, which was simply the verdict of my own judgment, and a lack of trustful waiting and assurance of hope. O, I have gained a knowledge of myself and of God, that I had not before known. I have no faithfulness but what is inspired by my belief in His. And when I fail I am only an object of deeper sympathy to Him, and have a stronger reason for trusting Him. I say, “See how entirely upon Thee I depend, and depend I will.” O, Christ is precious to me. He is “holy, harmless, undefiled.”

©Peat Bakke
I see fewer rebukes in the Gospels, and more promises. I used to think where Christ speaks of the grass being clothed, and then says, “Will he not clothe you, oh, ye of little faith?” that a kind of reproof was implied. I now think that He tells us He will clothe the “little faith,” and do it in spite of its littleness.

I am hopeful in that I see in myself a growing semblance to the Scriptural requirements: “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.”-(Phil. iv:6.) I ask for not allotment, not even spiritual, which will not prove a living blessing. I will present my petitions before God in the name of Jesus; the Father heareth Him away, and sooner or later he will fulfill my desires, and good shall the answer be.

            -J. E. L.