Friday, February 28, 2014

Experiences of Spiritual and Physical Healing (Triumphs of Faith 1.7)


Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; Who healeth all thy diseases. –Psa. ciii: 23.

            Hamilton, Ont., May 14, 1881

Dear Miss Judd:

It is with feelings of great gratitude to God that I take this opportunity (by your request) of giving an account of the marvelous way in which my health has been restored. It has been a number of years since I have known what it is to enjoy even a comparative degree of health, but since my husband’s death, which occurred over three years ago, I have been a great sufferer.

I need not enter into particulars regarding the years of affliction and bereavement through which I have passed. If it has not been for the support and solace of my Heavenly Friend, I could not have endured my trials.

Although not fit for work, I had been running a sewing machine until last August, when I was taken down with a complication of diseases along with exhaustion of the nervous system, which had seriously affected my spine. It is impossible to describe what I at times suffered with my head, the intense agony, and pressure on the brain seemed more than mortal could bear. I would then become cold all over with twitching of the nerves, and every appearance of approaching death.

All that the best medical skill could do for me, was done, my physician, Dr. Vernon, being classed among the most celebrated physicians in this city, and from the first of my illness he candidly acknowledged my case to be a very critical one, and that, if I recovered, it could only be with the greatest care and best of nursing, which situated as I was it was impossible for me to receive.

I have not been able to get out of bed without assistance, and then only with the greatest difficulty to the rocking chair. Sometimes for a week or two I have had such severe attacks as not to be able to turn myself in bed. My spine became weaker and my ankles and knees seemed to have lost all strength. About nine or ten weeks ago, two ladies called to see me, and in the course of conversation one of them remarked what a good thing it would be fore me, if I could be raised up by prayer and faith, as was Miss Judd. I smiled incredulously, I am obligated to confess, feeling rather more the assurance of the blessing of God on the means used, than His blessing without them.

Two weeks after, your correspondent Miss C. read your little book to me. I was much interested in hearing it, but still I did not then realize my glorious privilege, as His child to “ask and receive, that my joy may be full.” I continued praying much, as I had done all through my illnesses, that, if it were the will of God, that He would spare me to my children; at the same time many doubts would arise as to the possibility of my getting better. (And yet I have had many manifestations of the power and willingness of the dear Saviour in answering the prayers of His children.”

I knew nothing of Miss C.’s writing you, until your answer was put into my hand, appointing the hour for united prayer. I then felt very much impressed that it was in accordance with the will of my Heavenly Father. That “man’s extremity was God’s opportunity.” That He had been influencing the hearts of my friends in my behalf. I commenced to pray for an increase in faith and received many comforting assurances, until Thursday the day appointed for special prayer. In the morning I was worse, dreadful back and headache; not only was I suffering physically, but terrible temptations and doubts took possession of me.

At seven in the evening my minister, Rev. G. W. Henderson, came in and talked and prayed with me. After he left I felt easier, and the passages which had before been very comforting, again occurred to my mind. I John v:14, 15: “And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we will have the petitions that we desired of Him.” Also John xv: 7,9: “If ye abide in me,” etc.

light commenced to break in upon me, and gradually I realized the power of Jesus as my “conquering Lord.” One “Who healeth all our diseases.” I then remembered that if I fully trusted in Jesus I was to act faith by getting up. While thinking “how am I ever to do that?” I felt an inward voice, “rise up and walk.” I knew that it was my Saviour’s command, and instead of resting any longer, I was afraid of not obeying at once, so springing from the bed, I called to a friend who was the only one in the house with me (excepting one of my little girls) to give me her arm, and with her I walked to the front door, and back to the rocking-chair. As soon as my feet touch the floor I felt no longer pain in my ankles or knees, and immediately my soul was filled with love of Jesus! I began praising Him. I felt then, as if I wanted all my friends with me to praise the Lord. After sitting for a while I felt chilly, so arising without any assistance whatever, I walked back to my bed.

            “All hail the power of Jesus’ name,
                        Let angels prostrate fall;
            Bring forth the royal diadem,
                        And crown Him Lord of all.”

I have been up the greater part of the day ever since.

On the third day walked out into the yard. On the forth took a drive, and I have since several times walked out. I am now trusting for complete recovery. My friends met with me on the evening of the 22nd and held a most delightful praise meeting. My earnest desire is to be kept very humble. “Adorning the doctrine of God my Saviour in all things,” and “Glorifying Him in my body and spirit, which are His.”

            Yours in Christian Love,

                        Mrs. L. J. Mottashed.