In Exodusxxiii:25, occur these words, “Ye shall serve the Lord your God… and I will take
sickness away from the midst of thee.” Here we see that physical health was to
be one result of a state of spiritual health, or obedience to God. Our bodies
as well as our souls are God’s special care, and which of us “by taking thought
can add one cubit unto his stature?” Since God alone is capable of “taking
thought” for us in the matter of our spiritual and physical growth, why cannot
we trust Him to keep in repair that which He has so marvelously created? Why do
we rely so entirely on the use of means for our restoration, instead of making
application to that Great Physician Who is willing to heal both our souls and
bodies by His word? Through sin our physical nature has become impaired, but we
may find healing for body and soul by Christ’s precious body which was broken
on the tree for our reconciliation. Jesus says to each one of us, “This is My body,
which is broken for you.”-(1 Cor. xi:24.) Let us commit ourselves unto God “as
unto a faithful Creator,” knowing that what we have committed unto Him He will faithfully take charge of, and keep
according to His blessed will.