Sunday, January 26, 2014

A Consecrated Tongue - Edward M. Mix (Triumphs of Faith 1.3)



But as He which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation.-1 Peter, i:15.

If all who profess to love our Lord Jesus Christ would obey this injunction of the apostle, how the cause of our dear Redeemer would be advanced. The world would realize that the religion we profess is indeed a blessed reality. Our words would then “minister grace unto the hearers,” and carry conviction to the ungodly that God was in us of a truth; “for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.”

God’s command to all of us is, “Be ye holy; for I am holy,” and the inspired apostle speaks of purifying our souls “in obeying the truth through the Spirit.” We can only know and obey the truth through the Spirit of Truth, and if God’s spirit dwell in us we shall assuredly obey the command not to nod indulge in “filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient.”-(Eph. v:4.)

But it is too true that there is a great deal of “foolish talking” at the present day, even among professing Christians, and too few are aware how this practice of jesing eats out the life of godliness, and proves the means by which many are shorn of their spiritual strength. A word once paces the bounds of our lips and it is past recall. Cannot all of us remember with sorrow some time when we have spoken “unadvisedly with our lips”? It was for this reason that Moses was debarred the privilege of entering the promised land after he had wandered for forty years in the wilderness.
How careful then ought we to be about our words, that our speech may be “always with grace, seasoned with salt, that we may know how we ought to answer every man.”-(Col. iv:6.)

May the Lord help all of us who profess to love our dear Redeemer, to realize that by our words we shall be justified, and by our words we shall be condemned. Let us ever bear in mind His solemn warning, “I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement.”

“O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall show forth Thy praise.”



         Dear Lord; I present myself unreservedly to Thee.
         My time.
         My talents.
         My tongue.
         My will.
         My property.
         My reputation.
         My entire being.
         To be, and to do, anything that Thou requires of me.


         Now as I have given myself away, I am no longer my own, but all the Lord’s.
         I believe Thou dost accept the offering I bring.
         I trust Thee to work in me all the good pleasure of Thy will.
         “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and I will receive you.”
                  As I do give myself to Thee, I believe Thou dost receive me now.